
Still Waters Ministry Premieres Short Documentary Film
On March 22, 2024, Tree of Life premiered the short documentary film entitled “Unafraid” by the creator of Hero and Heart Films, Ethan Weitz. The film highlights the profound impact Tree of Life’s ministries havehad on the lives of individuals with disabilities in Loudoun County and focuses on one such young man, Sam Mason.Sam joined Tree of Life’s Still Waters Ministry when it first began as a respite program for families of childrenwith special needs, providing parents with a safe and nurturing place to drop off their children twice a monthfree of charge. The program soon transformed into one that included the whole family, as parents soughtadvice, encouragement, and support from fellow caregivers living similar experiences.Click here to read the full press release. The documentary is available for public viewing here: |
Serving the Wider Community
Once a month, our dedicated Tree of Life volunteers provide lunch at the Winchester Rescue Mission. This month, we served 50 meals to their residents and visitors.
Serving at the Rescue Mission has been an important partnership for us, helping to maintain connections with the wider community and assisting this amazing organization.
The Winchester Rescue Mission provides fantastic care to those impacted by poverty and homelessness and we are so grateful to be a small part of how they bring hope to their community. |

Amazing Partnerships
Our Still Waters Ministry had the privilege of hosting Erika Huddleston of Loudoun Hunger Relief along with 2 amazing volunteers, Jennifer and Sandy, for our 2nd session of ‘I Can Cook a Rainbow’. Our partners and their caregivers enjoyed learning to safely slice and dice vegetables creating a colorful and healthy salad, while completing their dinner bingo card!
We are so grateful for our Still Waters families and #volunteers who make these special events possible. Many thanks to Loudoun Hunger Relief for giving of their time and to Hamilton Baptist Church for the use of their spacious kitchen and fellowship hall. |

Celebrating with Community
We held the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for our new Headquarters and Purcellville Center at 115 East Main
Street in Purcellville, in March 8th!
We were honored to be joined by Mayor Milan from the Town of Purcellville, Chief McAlister, Purcellville Police Department, President and CEO of the Loudoun Chamber of Commerce Tony Howard, Sheriff Mike Chapman, Supervisor Caleb Kershner, and Loudoun Board of Supervisors Chair Phyllis J. Randall. In
attendance were also several local business owners, pastors, non-profit leaders, as well as Tree of Life
volunteers, donors, and other supporters.
It was a great day! Please check out the full press release below.

DayBreak Ministry Tech Education
We are so excited to announce this NEW event for the senior
adult community!
Our Tech Education Event is focused on helping people better navigate their devices – tablets, phones, laptops – so that they
can connect with family and friends, as well as get the most out
of their online experience.
Bring your device to this educational event where we’ll have students from the Woodgrove High School Fellowship Club
helping to answer questions and provide assistance with updates, apps, and programs.
Please note, this is not a repair event, devices should be fully functional.
If you have questions, please email [email protected].

Meet Jon Franz, our volunteer of the month!
Jon has nearly 300 hours serving those in need through Tree of Life and he regularly jumps in whenever help is needed – doing anything and everything – whether it be food pantry stocking, grocery deliveries, community dinners, property repairs, and more.
Most recently, Jon was INVALUABLE during our move in Purcellville to Main Street. Not only did he help pack and move, but he was integral to getting our pantry set up in the new location, providing his technical expertise in planning out the space. And once we moved in, Jon actively helped every staff member make sure their new office was ready for business, addressed various needs around the building, as well as continued with his role in our food pantry.
We are forever grateful for Jon’s commitment and his amazing attitude and willingness to help any way he can. Thank you, Jon!

This month’s donor spotlight is Lincoln Construction Corporation, Loudoun Valley Floors, and Southern Electrical. These outstanding community driven businesses made our recent move in Purcellville a reality.
Taking this beautiful and historic building on Main St. and working with our vision, from demolition to restoration, these businesses made it possible with the generosity of their time and skill.
We now have a functioning foodpantry in our new location serving Western Loudoun County, community dinner and meeting spaces for ESOL, DayBreak, Still Waters and more and office spaces for Partner Care and Volunteer activities along with daily operations of Tree of Life.
Thank you to these local businesses for their faithful support over the years on many of our projects, each one so integral to the ministry and growth of Tree of Life, SimplyBe Coffee and The Clothing Closet!

Save the Dates!
Weekly DayBreak Bible Study
Blue Ridge Bible Church, Thursdays, 11am
WGTS Sticker Stop
Tuesday, April 9th, SimplyBe Coffee
DayBreak Tech Event
Tuesday, April 9th, 1-3pm
Leesburg Flower and Garden Festival
April 13th – April 20, SimplyBe Coffee and The Clothing Closet
SimplyBe Unplugged
Saturday, April 27th, 12pm, SimplyBe Coffee
Volunteer Introduction Program
Click HERE for dates and registration.

Each spring, I marvel at how everything comes to life—the flowers bloom, the trees bear new leaves, seeds are planted and bloom vegetables, fruits and flowers. Spring reminds me of new life in Jesus Christ!
1 Peter 1:22-25
“Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart, having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever because ‘All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. The grass withers, and its flower falls away, but the word of the Lord endures forever.’”
I know that the beauty of spring and the flowers and grass will soon wither in the fall, waiting for the following spring to produce their glory. However, I do not have to worry about the glory of the Lord—His glory will never wither or fade away—His glory endures forever.
As we cherish the new life that spring abounds, let us thank God for the new life which abounds in our hearts. My heart had withered to a point of decay, and it was through the new life brought by the Holy Spirit that produces eternal fruit that will never die.
This process of being born again allows me to rejoice in the glory of the Lord regardless of the season. It is through His blessing that I see His new life abound and see His glory shine!
May the Lord bless you and give you peace,
Chaplain Wayne Ruckman |

Consider a Donation…
Tree of Life would greatly appreciate your support in reaching out to the poor and needy in our community
with the love of Jesus Christ. We ask that you prayerfully consider a one-time or recurring donation to help us continue to serve those in need in Loudoun County. |